March 18, 2024

October 7: How Hamas Attacked Israel

October 7, the day that Hamas attacked from Gaza, was the worst catastrophe in Israel's history. All of Israel's intelligence and operational systems collapsed; all of its political conceptions were proven false. In the space of 24 hours, Israelis lost faith that their state could protect them.

Six months later, most accounts of October 7 are incomplete, missing crucial details about the sequence of events of that day. Haaretz has curated its reporting, collected dozens of eyewitness accounts, geolocated videos and built maps to reconstruct the full picture of what happened during the slaughter in southern Israeli communities.


Robert Fisk, "The True Gaza Back-Story That the Israelis Aren't Telling This Week," The Independent (UK), July 9, 2014

Stanley L Cohen, "Palestinians have a legal right to armed struggle,", July 20, 2017

Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman, "Israel Knew Hamas's Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago," New York Times, November 30, 2023

Failure at the Fence (full documentary), FRONTLINE, December 19, 2023

Hamas's incursion into Israel on October 7 transformed the politics of the Middle East. Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of that day -- examining seven hours of footage from CCTV, dashcams, personal phones and headcams of dead Hamas fighters, and drawing up a comprehensive list of those killed.
In October 7, the I-Unit reveals widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from Gaza into Israel.
But the investigation also found that many of the worst stories that came out in the days following the attack were false.
October 7 | Al Jazeera Investigations, March 20, 2024

Hamas: How Israel created its own nemesis with Paola Caridi, The Chris Hedges Report, March 29, 2024

The truth about October 7: Director Richard Sanders discusses his Al Jazeera film with Peter Oborne, April 3, 2024

The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See, Double Down News, April 10, 2024

"You're LYING!" Piers Morgan Hosts Debate On Iran, Israel And Hamas, April 18, 2024

Julia Conley, "Profs Urge NYT to Probe False Oct. 7 Rape Story,", April 30, 2024

Palestine Talks | John Mearsheimer discusses Gaza, TRT World, May 18, 2024

Former Iran Ambassador: "Western Idealism Has Been Disastrous," UnHerd, May 23, 2024

"The Nakba Continues - From 1948 to the brutal war on Gaza" says Phyllis Bennis, UN HQ, May 23, 2024

Scott Ritter: Israel is Losing the War, Danny Haiphong, May 28, 2024

Rachel Fink, "Report: New Evidence Reveals IDF Had Detailed Prior Knowledge of Hamas Plan to Raid Israel,", June 18, 2024

The West Bank: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, HBO, August 1, 2024

Norman Finkelstein's book changed an AIPAC member's perspective on Israel-Palestine war, August 3, 2024

The Axis of Resistance has put into place a protracted strategy of "boiling the frog," incrementally depleting Israel's economic, political, military, and diplomatic options. Asymmetrical Warfare: How to boil the Israeli frog, The Cradle, September 2, 2024

Iranian Professor Ends Piers Morgan's Career, TDR Network, September 7, 2024 -- excerpt from April 18, 2024

If nothing changes 600,000 dead by year-end according Nader Ralph Nader: Slaughter In Gaza, Judge Napolitano, September 9, 2024

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