[The report claims as many as 260,000 could die in the conflict and its
three-month aftermath, with a further 200,000 at risk in the longer term
from famine and disease. A civil war in Iraq could add another 20,000
Collateral Damage is being published on Tuesday in 14 countries and has been
compiled by Medact, an organisation of British health professionals.--Rob
Edwards, "Iraq War
'Could Kill 500,000'," NewScientist.com, November 12, 2002]
Robert Fisk, "All This Talk of Civil War, and Now
This Carnage. Coincidence?," Independent, March 3, 2004
[Oddly, among the things they were trained to do at Harvey Point was
practice blowing up busses - Palestinian-terrorist style. "We made a school
bus disappear with about twenty pounds of U.S. C-4," said former CIA officer
Robert Baer. . . . "We were also taught some of the really esoteric stuff
like E-cell timers, improvising pressurized airplane bombs using a condom
and aluminum foil, . . . By the end of the training, we could have taught an
advanced terrorism course." --James Bamford, "A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America's
Intelligence Agencies," Doubleday (June 8, 2004), p132]
"Iraqi's Big Issue: U.S. Exit Plan," The Wisdom
Fund, January 23, 2005
Michael Meacher, "America is Usurping the Democratic Will in Iraq,"
Independent, April 5, 2005
[Pentagon financing of these myriad militias and the active involvement
of Allawi in all these operations suggest that the Pentagon itself is
destabilizing the country it is supposed to control. Destination: civil
war.--Pepe Escobar, "Iraq's hostage
cabinet," Asia Times, April 30, 2005]
[The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed
booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite
district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and
witnessing the anticipated "hideous attack by foreign elements".--John
Kaminski, "Sick
strategies for senseless slaughter," WarFolly.com, May 24, 2005]
Nancy A. Youssef, "Proposal to
divide Iraq into semi-autonomous states gains ground," Knight Ridder
Newspapers, May 24, 2005
Paul Craig Roberts, "Bush Opts for Civil
War in Iraq," Antiwar.com, May 30, 2005
[Against all odds, a national liberation front is emerging in Iraq.
Washington hawks may see it coming, but they certainly don't want it. Many
groups in this front have already met in Algiers. The front is opposed to
the American occupation and permanent Pentagon military bases; opposed to
the privatization and corporate looting of the Iraqi economy; and opposed to
the federation of Iraq, ie balkanization. Members of the front clearly see
through the plan of fueling sectarianism to provoke an atmosphere of civil
war, thus legitimizing the American presence.--Pepe Escobar, "Exit
strategy: Civil war," Asia Times, June 10, 2005]
Aaron Glantz, "The
Only Hope to Avert Civil War," Antiwar.com, June 10, 2005
Patrick Cockburn, "Iraq: A bloody mess," Independent, June 28, 2005
Aidan Delgado, "What I Saw in Iraq," Truthout.org, June 3, 2005
Sami Ramadani, "It is
not withdrawal that threatens Iraq with civil war, but occupation,"
Guardian, July 5, 2005
"Joint US-Iraqi task force to set terms for US troop
exit," Agence France Presse, July 24, 2005
[No matter how many troops it has on the ground in Iraq, the Pentagon will
be set up for a major role there. A recent letter in the New York Times shed
more light on the Bush administration's intentions than hours of network
punditry. "My brother-in-law just returned from a stint in Iraq with the
Minnesota Air National Guard," wrote Ronald M. Asher II. "Although he
couldn't tell me where in Iraq he was stationed, he did say that the level
and type of construction going on at the air base convinced him that the
United States military planned on being there for a very long time."--Norman
Solomon, "Operation
Withdrawal Scam," Antiwar.com, August 2, 2005]
Robert Fisk, "Why is it
that we and America wish civil war on Iraq?," Guardian, September 15, 2005
[So what we have here is a clear instance of a foreign power attempting to
fabricate a terrorist attack. Why else would the soldiers be dressed as
Arabs if not to frame them? Why have a car laden with explosives if you
don't plan to use them for destructive purposes? Iraq is headed towards
civil war, and this operation was meant to accelerate the process by killing
people and blaming others.-- Matt Hutaff, "Fake Terrorism Is a
Coalition's Best Friend," The Simon, September 20, 2005]
Nafeez Ahmed, "BRITISH
UNDERCOVER OPERATIVES IN IRAQ," The Raw Story, September 23, 2005
[Top U.S. military officials here have long emphasized the influence of
groups such as al Qaeda in Iraq, an insurgent network led by a Jordanian,
Abu Musab Zarqawi. But analysts say the focus on foreign elements is also an
attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the insurgency in the eyes of Iraqis,
by portraying it as terrorism foisted on the country by outsiders.--Jonathan
Finer, "Among Insurgents in Iraq, Few Foreigners Are
Found," Washington Post, November 17, 2005]
[Michael Berg, whose son Nick was beheaded in Iraq in 2004, said on Thursday
he felt no sense of relief at the killing of the al Qaeda leader in Iraq and
blamed President Bush for his son's death. --Jon Hurdle, "Father of beheaded man blames Bush, not Zarqawi," Reuters, June 8,
[ . . . the Jordanian thug whose dubious allegiance to al-Qa'ida turned him
in to another "Enemy Number One" for those who believe they are fighting the
eternal "war on terror". For so short is our attention span - and Messrs
Bush and Blair, of course, rely on this - we have already forgotten that our
leaders' only interest in Zarqawi before the illegal 2003 Anglo-American
invasion of Iraq was to propagate the lie that Osama bin Laden was in
cahoots with Saddam Hussein.--Robert Fisk, "Zarqawi's
end is not a famous victory, nor will it bring Iraq any nearer to
peace," Independent, June 9, 2006]
Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus, "Zarqawi Helped U.S. Argument That Al-Qaeda Network
Was in Iraq," Washington Post, June 10, 2006
Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog
from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation.