Enver Masud, "Iraq: Divide and
Rule," The Wisdom Fund, October 10, 2006
Thomas Powers, "Iraq: Will We Ever Get
Out?," New York Review of Books, April 30, 2008
[Sources in Iraq's parliament told Press TV on Thursday that Washington has
offered three-million dollars in bribe to the lawmakers who sign the
"framework accord."
Under the agreement, the US would be allowed to set up at least 13 permanent
military bases in Iraq and US citizens would be granted immunity from legal
bribing Iraqi MPs to sign deal'," Press TV, May 29, 2008]
[The negotiations are shrouded in secrecy and Iraqi officials said they'd
been instructed by American officials not to discuss the details. . . .
"Now Iraq is under Chapter 7 and it does not have full sovereignty so when
it makes negotiations with the United States, the results won't be fair,"
said Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish lawmaker. "When the Americans
tell you that we won't remove you from Chapter 7 unless you make this treaty
with us, this is a precondition.--Leila Fadel, "Iraqi officials
worry about security deal with U.S.," McClatchy Newspapers, May 30,
[The proposed Iraqi-American agreement would provide a legal framework for
U.S. troops to remain in Iraq after Dec. 31, when their U.N. mandate
expires. Sadr views the pact as a blow to Iraq's sovereignty. His main
Shiite rival, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, who heads the Islamic Supreme Council of
Iraq - an influential Shiite political party that is part of Maliki's
ruling coalition - has also denounced the plans. Aides to Iraq's most
influential Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, have also expressed
concern.--Sudarsan Raghavan, "Shiites Across Iraq Protest
U.S. Presence: Demonstrations Seen as Boost to Sadr," Washington
Post, May 31, 2008]
[Other lawmakers said negotiations should not resume until after the
expiration of the United Nations resolution on United States troops.
Otherwise, they said, Iraq would be in too weak a position to negotiate
effectively. . . .
The Americans want to continue to have "a free hand" to arrest Iraqis and
carry out military operations, and they want authority for more than 50
long-term military bases, Mr. Adeeb said. . . .
American service members in deployments similar to Iraq are subject only to
American military law, the official said, adding that American officials
wanted to retain control of Iraqi airspace--Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Stephen
Farrell, "Growing
Opposition to Iraq Security Pact," New York Times, May 31, 2008]
[Under the agreement, Iraqi security institutions such as Defence, Interior
and National Security ministries, as well as armament contracts, will be
under American supervision for ten years.--Basil Adas, "New agreement
lets US strike any country from inside Iraq," gulfnews.com, June 3,
[A majority of the Iraqi parliament has written to Congress rejecting a
long-term security deal with Washington if it is not linked to a requirement
that U.S. forces leave, a U.S. lawmaker said Wednesday.--"Iraq lawmakers want US
forces out as part of deal," Reuters, June 4, 2008]
Ali Allawi, "This raises huge
questions over our independence," Independent, June 5, 2008
[The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq's money in the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into signing an
agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation indefinitely,
according to information leaked to The Independent.
US negotiators are using the existence of $20bn in outstanding court
judgments against Iraq in the US, to pressure their Iraqi counterparts into
accepting the terms of the military deal, . . .
Iraqi officials say that, last year, they wanted to diversify their holdings
out of the dollar, as it depreciated, into other assets, such as the euro,
more likely to hold their value. This was vetoed by the US Treasury because
American officials feared it would show lack of confidence in the
dollar.--Patrick Cockburn, "US issues
threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal,"
Independent, June 6, 2008]
of U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement Began Nearly Five Years Ago," National
Security Archive, June 13, 2008
[And let's remember one more base, though it's never called that: the
massive imperial embassy, perhaps the biggest on the planet, . . . it is
essentially a fortified citadel, a base inside the fortified American heart
of the Iraq capital. Like the mega-bases, it emits an aura of American, not
Iraqi, "sovereignty."--Tom Engelhardt, "Finally, the U.S.
Mega-Bases in Iraq Are Under Debate," Tomdispatch.com, June 15,
[Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP - the original partners in the Iraq
Petroleum Company - along with Chevron and a number of smaller oil
companies, are in talks with Iraq's Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts to
service Iraq's largest fields--Andrew E. Kramer, "Deals
With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back," New York Times,
June 19, 2008]
[The report lays out a comprehensive plan for withdrawal of US forces by
internationalizing what is currently the US role as the center of political
power and humanitarian aid in Iraq, engaging in regional dialogue to stem
outside interference in Iraq and convincing neighboring friends and foes
alike to take a constructive role in reconstruction and development, and
fomenting Iraqi reconciliation with international and regional support.--Ali
Gharib, "A Blueprint
for Iraq Withdrawal," Inter Press Service, June 26, 2008]
[Three key US-backed measures on oil, provincial elections and the future of
US troops are mired in the Iraqi parliament, raising doubts as to whether
they can come into effect before George Bush leaves office.--Jonathon
Steele, "Iraqi
MPs stall deals on Bush benchmarks," Guardian, June 28, 2008]
[US President George W. Bush long has vowed that the United States would
leave Iraq if asked by Baghdad's leadership, but now that the request has
been made, Bush is in no hurry to exit, analysts say.
Iraqi leaders have pressed for a withdrawal timetable as part of
negotiations over the US military role beyond December 31--Laurent Lozano, "
Time for US to leave Iraq? Not so fast, say analysts," Agence France
Presse, July 13, 2008]
[As is usual with news it does not like, the Bush administration attempted to
muddy the waters this weekend regarding the interview of PM Nuri al-Maliki
with Der Spiegel in which he expressed approval of Barack Obama's plan to
get US troops out of Iraq within 16 months of next January. Al-Maliki told
Der Spiegel in response to a question about how long US troops would be in
his country, . . .
Ali al-Dabbagh, who is usually described as al-Maliki's spokesman but
actually seems to work for the CENTCOM or Pentagon Middle East command, was
trotted out to make vague statements about Der Spiegel's having
mistranslated or misinterpreted what al-Maliki said. . . .
It turns out that the translator involved works for al-Maliki, not for Der
Spiegel, and so presumably knew what the prime minister's words meant in
Arabic.--Juan Cole, "Der Spiegel Proves al-Maliki Story Correct," Informed
Comment, July 21, 2008]
[Instead of moving toward accommodating the demand of Iraqi Prime Minister
Nuri al-Maliki for a timetable for United States military withdrawal, the
George W Bush administration and the US military leadership are continuing
to pressure their erstwhile client regime to bow to the US demand for a
long-term military presence in the country.--Gareth Porter, "You need
Uncle Sam, Iraq told," Asia Times, July 26, 2008]
[ . . . in June 2006 in which al-Maliki circulated a draft policy calling
for negotiation of just such a withdrawal timetable and the George W. Bush
administration had to intervene to force the prime minister to drop
it.--Gareth Porter, "Bush Forced
al-Maliki to Back Down on Pullout in 2006," antiwar.com, July 29,
[Maliki reiterated that he had agreed with the United States that all
145,000 American troops would withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2010. The
negotiations are for a Status of Forces Agreement to govern relations
between American troops and the Iraqis after the United Nations mandate
expires this December.--Sami Moubayed, "Maliki
picks a date with destiny," Asia Times, August 28, 2008]
[Maliki declared Aug. 25 that the U.S. had agreed that "no foreign soldiers
will be in Iraq after 2011." A Shi'ite legislator and Maliki ally, Ali
al-Adeeb, told the Washington Post that only the Iraqi government had the
authority under the agreement to decide whether conditions were conducive to
a complete withdrawal. He added that the Iraqi government "could ask the
Americans to withdraw before 2011 if we wish."--Gareth Porter, "Why Iraqi 'Client'
Blocked US Long-Term Presence," antiwar.com, September 2, 2008]
[The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret
program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists, according to a new
book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward.
The program -- which Woodward compares to the World War II era Manhattan
Project that developed the atomic bomb -- must remain secret for now or it
would "get people killed,"--"
Secret killing program is key in Iraq, Woodward says," cnn.com,
September 9, 2008]
[Maliki has insisted that all American troops leave by 2011, unless Iraq
requests otherwise. Shiite officials give mixed signals on whether they
would ask U.S. military advisors to stay.--"Iraq's Nouri Maliki breaking free of
U.S.," Los Angeles Times, September 16, 2008]
[In an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency, Chalabi, once a
Washington favorite, said U.S. officials are trying to inject agreements for
secret bases in Iraq as part of the long-term security contract slated to
govern U.S.-Iraqi relations when the U.N. mandate there expires at the end
of this year.--"Chalabi: U.S. wants secret
bases in Iraq," metimes.com, September 19, 2008]
["...not only does Washington typically ignore the traditions of government
that already exist in the nations we attempt to reconstruct, but our
bureaucrats do not even heed the lessons of Anglo-American political
history," Mr. Utley reports in the article. "Instead of devising a workable governing system
like our own, Washington installed 'proportional representation.'"
Proportional representation (PR) is a system whereby voting is based on
party lists of candidates chosen by the party's leadership. Voters do not
get to choose individual candidates and may not know anything about many of
the names on the lists. . . .
"The constitution may well be more of a prelude to civil war than a step
forward," warned another expert in 2005, Anthony Cordesman of the Center for
Strategic and International Studies. "Rather than an inclusive document, it
is more a recipe for separation based on Shi'ite and Kurdish
privilege."--Jon Basil Utley, "Iraq's Dysfunctional
Government -- Why It Doesn't Work," cnbc.com, August 24, 2010]
[ . . . planning is underway to turn over to the State Department some of
the most prominent symbols of the U.S. role in the war - including several
major bases and a significant portion of the Green Zone.
The department would use the bases to house a force of private security
contractors and support staff that it expects to triple in size, to between
7,000 and 8,000--Aaron C. Davis, "Contours of a large and lasting American presence
in Iraq starting to take shape," Washington Post, August 24, 2010]