Julian Borger, "The Spies Who Pushed
for War," Guardian, July 17, 2003
Gordon Prather, "Iran's Sisyphean Task,"
Antiwar.com, March 1, 2008
[ . . . a four-month computer simulation and gaming exercise carried out
last year by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank,
gives an idea.
It was based on an Iranian closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the passageway
for 90 percent of oil exported from Gulf producers, in response to a U.S.
attack on nuclear sites, air fields and air defense targets. The simulation
showed the price of oil more than doubling, U.S. gross domestic product
depressed for 2-1/2 years, private non-farm employment declining by more
than one million jobs, and disposable personal income dropping by more than
$260 billion.
In terms of oil and gasoline prices, last year were the good old days. At
the time of the exercise, a barrel of oil traded at $65 and a gallon of
gasoline in the U.S. averaged $2.80. It's now around $136 and $4.08
respectively and could well reach twice that after an attack.--Bernd
Debusmann, "Iran
and nuclear consequences," Reuters, June 25, 2008]
Kristin Roberts, "ANALYSIS-US strike may
delay, not stop Iran nuclear program," Reuters, June 25, 2008
[If Bush is discussing war on Iran with Ehud Olmert, why is he not
discussing it with Congress or the nation?--Patrick J. Buchanan, "Who's Planning Our
Next War?," antiwar.com, June 27, 2008]
[Iran has never attacked anyone outside of its borders for 280
years--Seymour M. Hersh, "Congress Agreed to Bush Request
to Fund Major Escalation in Secret Operations Against Iran,"
Democracy Now, June 30, 2008]
[In basing the case for aggressive war against Iran on the weakness of the
target state rather than the threat of its military power and
aggressiveness, the pro-Israeli analysts are following a familiar pattern in
dominant power policymaking toward war on weaker states.--Gareth Porter, "'Weak' Iran
ripe to be attacked," Inter Press Service, July 2, 2008]
Oren, "U.S.
admiral: Iran strike on Israel 'likely'," Haaretz, July 3, 2008
The United States must not signal that it would be acceptable for Israel to
bomb Iranian targets. . . .
President Bush telegraphed this dangerous diplomatic gambit to the media
Wednesday when he was asked about the recent spate of reports that military
action against Iran, by either Israel or the U.S. and before the end of
Bush's term, is under discussion.--Editorial: "No proxy war with Iran," Los Angeles Times, July
3, 2008]
Con Coughlin, "Admiral Mike Mullen warns the West over military strike
against Iran," Telegraph, July 4, 2008
Tom Engelhardt, "Why the
U.S. Won't Attack Iran," BBC News, July 9, 2008
[New York Times, which owns both the Globe and the Tribune, is intent on
once again disseminating the same sort of nonsense that facilitated a "case"
for the Iraq invasion.--Peter Casey, "What's NOT
in the IAEA Iran Reports ," antiwar.com, July 15, 2008]
[The front men for 362 are liberal Gary Ackerman of New York and
conservative Mike Pence of Indiana. But the juice behind them is that of the
Israeli lobby AIPAC, which is marching in step with Israel.
Last week, Mossad's chief, Meir Dagan, was here to make the case for war on
Iran. This week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak visits Dick Cheney and maybe
Bush. Next week, it is the head of Israel's armed forces.
Israel and its Fifth Column in this city seek to stampede us into war with
Iran.--Patrick J. Buchanan, "A Phony Crisis -- and a Real One," buchanan.org, July 15, 2008
VIDEO: "In a
HARDtalk interview Stephen Sackur talks to Robert Baer - former Middle East
specialist with the CIA," BBC News, July 21, 2008