by Robert D. Crane
to Richard Nixon, Deputy Director for Planning at the National Security Council,
co-founder Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.
The new monograph, 9/11
Unveiled by Enver Masud of The Wisdom Fund, is the best short summary of
what most Americans and virtually all of the rest of the world consider to
be the "9/11 mystery". In this factual account, Enver Masud avoids the
popular focus on the accumulating wealth of merely circumstantial evidence
that the official U.S. governmental account of 9/11 is incomplete.
Briefly he suggests possible alternative motivations for others than Muslim
terrorists to attack the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Possible
motivation, however, does not constitute proof of anything in a court of
law. Therefore, Masud's monograph, "9/11 Unveiled," serves the cause of
accuracy in history only by marshalling the hard evidence that must be
rebutted to stop conspiracy theories and popular paranoia about a hidden
hand behind this first attack in two centuries on the American homeland.
The bulk of this "unveiling" consists of hard, scientific evidence that
fuel-laden passenger planes could not have caused the collapse of the
towers in New York. It also provides some peripheral evidence that a
missile, and not a plane, struck the Pentagon, and that Flight 93 was taken
out by a U.S. defensive missile over Pennsylvania and not by passengers'
takeover of the cockpit.
From a lawyer's perspective, the principal weakness of the official
government account of 9/11 is the failure of the U.S. government to explain
away evidence which complete transparency might easily rebut. Until a
court of inquiry exposes the popular conspiracy theories as unjustified,
the evil of 9/11 will continue to be exploited politically to feed
Islamophobia. The most long-lasting victim might be religion itself, which
can be exploited in the cause of terrorism, but is its only real cure as the
source of peace, prosperity, and freedom through compassionate justice.
Dr. Robert D. Crane graduated from Harvard Law
School in 1959, co-founded the Center for Strategic and International Studies in
September, 1962, and served as Richard Nixon's Principal Foreign Policy Adviser from
1963 to 1968. He was elected President of the Muslim American Bar Association in 1994,
and is the author of "Patterns of Da'wa in America" along with his highly informative
essay and book chapter, "The Search for Justice and the Quest for Virtue."