[Received via email from Prof. Syed A. R. Zaidi on December 19, 2008]
Although Indians are not aware of it, in university
circles in America it is a widespread opinion that
9/11 was an inside job carried out under the
leadership of American and Israeli Zionists as a
cover story for the conquest of Iraq and
Afghanistan. The mainstream media is solidly under
the control of the Jewish establishment, so those
forums are closed to the discussion, but it freely
takes place on the internet. These forces, whether
global-financial-imperialist or zionist, are under
the ultimate control of the same people, organised
around a small cluster of Jewish financier
families. They have completely taken over all
Western societies, especially America and Britain.
These forces would like to break up Pakistan and
then any other multi-ethnic large states in the
region as a means to uncontested control of small
states in the middle east and central asia for the
next hundred years. Manmohan, a creature of the
World Bank which they completely control, is their
man. But so are the Hindutva fascists. The first
faction, Manmohan and perhaps Sonia and company, is
closer tied to financial circles, and the second,
the Hindutvis, to Israel. It is very easy to
control terrorists if you are a well-funded
intelligence agency. It is easy to get people to
pretend to be Islamist or whatever fanatics, and
give them the money to control the actions of the
demented folk who volunteer to be their followers.
That seems to have been done in this very
sophisticated operation. The Jewish involvement,
and its subsequent media use, is one more
suggestive clue. Against that background, here are
some questions.
Why should we believe Kasab and Jadhav's stories?
The entire account of Karkare's death comes down to
these two characters. They should be
narco-analysed. But who can we trust to do it?
Are there any moe jewels like Karkare left in
India's crown?
I don't trust what is left of the Maharashtra
police, and I don't trust either Congress or the
BJP. What was really discussed at the Narayanan -
Advani meeting before the Mumbai incident? We know
it was about the embarrassment caused by Karkare,
but what else?
We were shown Kasab on TV, and it was said he was
so badly wounded that he could only be allowed to
confess for five minutes at a time. Quite a drama.
Then the dean of the hospital came up with the
statement that Kasab was not wounded at all. Now
it is said that he is wounded in the palms of his
hands. An unwounded Kasab would lead one to
question his story. But if the story starts
unraveling, the best way to bring in some
credibility is to wound the man. I think the palms
would be the best site to volunteer to take a hit.
Jadhav's story too is full of incredible claims.
He too turns out to be cosmetically wounded. There
are some questions we would like to ask you, sir.
I think it is sheer foolishness to tie our fortunes
to a sinking West, instead of to our neighbours,
Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia, Central Asia, and
the whole Middle East. There we would count for
something. Why are the Congress and the BJP
drumming up a war with Pakistan? If we act as the
agents of the West, we will end up like Saddam