Michel Chossudovsky, "The
Destabilization of Pakistan," Centre for Research on Globalisation,
December 30, 2007
Pratap Chatterjee, "Could Pakistan 2010 Go
the Way of Cambodia 1969?,", February 7, 2010
[The destabilization of Pakistan is part of the U.S. plan because it is a
Muslim nuclear state. The U.S. wants to isolate Pakistan from China as part
of its containment policy.--"Arnaud de Borchgrave's
interview of Hamid Gul, Pakistan ISI chief," Washington Times, July
26, 2010]
[Earlier this year WMR reported that "intelligence sources in Asia and
Europe are reporting that the CIA contractor firm XE Services, formerly
Blackwater, has been carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks in
Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sinkiang region of China, Pakistan, Iran, and
Iraq, in some cases with the assistance of Israeli Mossad and Indian
Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) personnel--"Blackwater/Xe
Terrorist Cells Conducting False Flag Terrorist Attacks in
Pakistan,", September 20, 2010]
"Fatima Bhutto on the Floods in Pakistan, the Government Response and
Her Memoir, Songs of Blood and Sword,", September
24, 2010
[ . . . the US Central Intelligence Agency is operating a secret, 3,000-man
Afghan mercenary force whose mission is assassinating Taliban and al-Qaida
fighters.--Eric Margolis, "Dodge City
Meets Pakistan,", September 28, 2010]
Eric Margolis, "Mission Creep In Afghanistan / Pakistan,", October 3, 2010
[In the 21 months since his inauguration, President Obama has ordered or
approved 120 drone attacks on Pakistan. There were 22 such attacks in
September 2010 alone, reportedly killing more than 100 people. In contrast,
Obama's predecessor Bush ordered just 60 attacks in eight years. . . .
The drone war is being waged by the US Army, by the US Air Force and, most
of all, by the CIA. It is taking place in a shadowy realm beyond the reach
of war tribunals, public debate and the media.--Klaus Brinkbaumer and John
Goetz, "Obama's
Shadowy Drone War,", October 12, 2010]
Julian E. Barnes and Adam Entous, "U.S. Seeks Wider CIA
Role: Efforts to Intensify Targeting of Taliban on Pakistani Soil Have Been
Rebuffed by Islamabad,", October 23, 2010
Kim Sengupta, "Afghanistan: Russia steps in to help
Nato," Independent, October 27, 2010
Jason Ditz, "US Seeks to Widen Drone Strikes Beyond
Pakistan's Tribal Areas: Pakistan Rejects Drone Strikes But Agrees to More
CIA Agents on Ground,", November 19, 2010
[The US ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl Eikenberry, announced recently that
a US$511 million contract had been awarded to Caddell Construction to build
the world's largest embassy in Kabul and that a contract worth $734 million
had been awarded to B L Harbert for a new US Embassy compound in Pakistan,
which would virtually be an American base in Islamabad complete with an air
strip - all at a cost of more than $1 billion.--Syed Saleem Shahzad, "Pakistan
opens its door to US ops,", November 23, 2010]
Declan Walsh, "US embassy cables reveal elite American troops
secretly embedded with Pakistan military to hunt down militants,", November 30, 2010
[When his wife, Benazir Bhutto, returned to Pakistan in 2007 to run for
prime minister after years of self-imposed exile, she was already pledged to
a campaign of pro-American engagement. She promised to hand over nuclear
scientist and international bogeyman Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, the "father" of
the Pakistani atomic bomb, to the International Atomic Energy Agency. She
also made clear that, once back in power, she would allow the Americans to
bomb Pakistan proper, so that George W Bush's global "war on terror" might
triumph. The Americans had been involved in covert strikes and other
activities in Pakistan since at least 2001, but we didn't know that
then.--Fatima Bhutto, "Pakistan
elites turn blind eye to war,", December 11, 2010]
[But some international law experts are questioning their legality. In June,
Philip Alston, the independent U.N. investigator on extrajudicial killings,
urged the U.S. to lay out rules and safeguards, publish figures on civilian
casualties and prove they have tried other ways to capture or incapacitate
suspects without killing them.--Chris Brummitt, "Pakistani drone victim seeks to put US on
trial," AP News, December 23, 2010]
Mehdi Hasan, "US drone attacks are no laughing matter, Mr
Obama," Guardian, December 28, 2010
"2010, The Year of Assassination by Drones:
Annual Report on CIA's Target Killing Campaign in Pakistan's Tribal
Area," Conflict Monitoring Center (Pakistan), January 2011
[This winter, the Air Force is set to deploy to Afghanistan what it says is
a revolutionary airborne surveillance system called Gorgon Stare, which will
be able to transmit live video images of physical movement across an entire
town.--Ellen Nakashima and Craig Whitlock, "With Air Force's
new drone, 'we can see everything'," Washington Post, January 2, 2011]
["For the first time in history," the Times wrote, "a civilian intelligence
agency is using robots to carry out a military mission, selecting people for
killing in a country where the United States is not officially at war." . . .
The citizens of Peshawar still recall with horror the atrocities
committed by Avitabile, an Italian mercenary who ruled Peshawar as the
governor of the Sikh kingdom 150 years ago.--S. Amjad Hussain, "Pakistanis believe U.S. is destroying their country,", January 10, 2011]
[In all, about 335 American personnel - C.I.A. officers and contractors and
Special Operations forces - were being asked to leave the country--Jane
Perlez and Ismail Khan, "Pakistan
Tells U.S. It Must Sharply Cut C.I.A. Activities,", April 11, 2011]
Anthony DiMaggio, "The Myth of
Humanitarian Catastrophe: Counter-Insurgency Deceptions in Iraq and
Afghanistan,", April 26, 2011
[Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear
missile sites. These include the air force's central Sargodha HQ, home base
for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic
missiles.--"US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat," Sunday
Express, May 15, 2011]
[Paul, a noted non-interventionist, said the United States has created a
civil war in Pakistan and violated the country's national security.--Juana
Summers, "Ron Paul: We'll occupy Pakistan, too,", May 18, 2011
Brian Cloughley, "Destroying
Democracy in Pakistan: Why the US Will be the Ultimate Loser,", May 19, 2011