by Wayne Madsen
George Soros and his CIA, National
Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), and
National Democratic Institute (NDI) minions -- the latter two dedicated to
spreading the myth of competitive American politics to the rest of the world
-- are using a simple story of police and judicial corruption in a small
Indonesian town to craft the next themed revolution. . . .
The Soros NGO manipulators, . . . sezied upon an outrageous five year prison
sentence levied against a 15-year boy by a corrupt judge in Palu, in central
Sulawesi. The crime for which the teen was convicted was the alleged theft
of a pair of worn out sandals from a police officer. . . .
All over Indonesia, as if on cue from the foreign manipulators who dream up
creative cognitive
dissonance and tension campaigns, people began leaving
old sandals and flip flops at police stations. The uprising, if it can be
called that at an early stage, is being called the "Sandal Revolution" by
the Soros-manipulated media, . . .
The current government in Jakarta, headed by President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono, stands between the Indonesian people and the barons and tycoons
of Wall Street and the City of London for the wholesale exploitation of
Indonesia's vast natural resource wealth - including much-coveted oil,
natural gas, gold, rare earth minerals, and precious gems. . . .
But before Obama considers throwing his weight behind the Sandal Revolution,
he should keep one thing in mind. When the CIA operatives, wearing their
signature blue button-down Oxford shirts, blue blazers, and khaki trousers
arrived at the Indonesian Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN), the Indonesian State
Intelligence Agency, to collect all the files it possessed on Barry Soetoro,
aka Barack H. Obama, Jr., Barry Obama, and Soebarkah, as well as on Stanley
Ann Soetoro, aka Ann Sutoro and Ann Dunham and Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, aka
Mangundikardjo, the BIN officials were happy to comply, with one big
exception. The copies were happily handed over to the CIA, however, the
originals were held in an extremely safe place, one only known to the former
head of BIN, the current President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. . . .
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and
syndicated columnist. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive,
Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News
Insider, In These Times, and The American Conservative. His columns have
appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer,
Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution . . .
Enver Masud, "One Million
Indonesians Died In U.S. Backed Coup," The Wisdom Fund,
September 15, 1999
Enver Masud, "Greed At Core Of
Indonesia's Timor Problem," The Wisdom Fund, September 22, 1999
Enver Masud, "Media Show Bias in
Coverage of Violence in Indonesia," The Wisdom Fund, January 15, 2000
Enver Masud, "Millions Spent
Subverting 'Enemies,' Stifling Dissent," The Wisdom Fund, February
15, 2001
Craig Whitlock, "U.S. To Resume
Ties With Indonesia's Special Forces," Washington Post, July 22, 2010
[So once again, the U.S. is turning a blind eye to the brutal and repressive
Indonesian military that doesn't fight wars but is devilishly good at
suppressing its own people and cornering many of those resources for itself.
The recent decision by the White House to begin working with
Kopassus - Indonesia's equivalent of the Nazi SS - is a case in point. Kopassus
has been implicated in torture and murder in Irian Jaya and played a key
role in the 1999 sacking of East Timor that destroyed 70 percent of that
country's infrastructure following Timor's independence vote. Over 1500
Timorese were killed and 250,000 kidnapped to Indonesian West Timor.--Conn
Hallinan, "The '65 Massacres: Complicity and Cover-Up,", January 24, 2012]
Andre Vltchek, "Take
a Train in Jakarta: The Perfect Fascist City,",
February 17, 2012
State-Linked Coup Against Indonesian President Is Backed by Trump Allies, Report
Says,", April 20, 2017
[East Timor was the greatest crime of the late 20th century. . . . "at least 200,000"
East Timorese, a third of the population, had perished under Suharto. . . . piratical
treaty that divided the oil and gas riches of the Timor Sea.--John Pilger, "East
Timor Gives the World a Tutorial in Politics After 20th Century Genocide,", May 8, 2017]