"The New Scramble For Africa: The
Crown Jewels," The Wisdom Fund, October 20, 2011
[A fundamental question is how China's model of economic activity in Africa
differs from the approach of Western countries, and whether Africa is better
off for it. World Bank analyst David Dollar points out that the West has by
and large gotten out of hard infrastructure projects, which is where China
concentrates its activity, particularly in power and rail.
A 2009 World Bank report estimated that Chinese financial commitments to
African infrastructure projects rose from less than $1 billion per year in
2001-2003 to around $1.5 billion per year in 2004-2005, reaching at least $7
billion in 2006. In July 2012, Chinese President Hu Jintao offered $20
billion in loans to African countries over the next three years. The
estimate for total Chinese investment from 2010 to 2012 is $101
billion.--Kwei Quartey, "Why
Africa is turning to China," atimes.com, December 22, 2012]
Heba Saleh and Kiran Stacey, "West faces 'decades' of conflict in N Africa," ft.com,
January 21, 2013
[The targeting of Islamic extremists and al-Qaeda, though, is but a pretext
for the U.S. to contain Chinese interests in Africa.--Benn Schreiner, "U.S.
Intervention Set to Deepen: Imperial Jockeying in Africa,"
counterpunch.org, February 20, 2013]
[A Pentagon map, for example, shows a network of 29 bases stretching from one side of
Africa to the other.--Aidan O'Brien, "Africa Is Choosing China over the U.S.: The Case of Cape Verde," covertactionmagazine.com,
April 23, 2021]