Non-Proliferation Treaty (July 1, 1968)
- Forbids the five member states with nuclear weapons from transferring them to any other state
- Forbids member states without nuclear weapons from developing or aquiring them
- Provides assurance through the application of international safeguards that peaceful nuclear energy in NNWS will not be diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
- Facilitates access to peaceful uses of nuclear energy for all NNWS under international safeguards
- Commits all member states to pursue good faith negotiations toward ending the nuclear arms race and achieving nuclear disarmament.
"The Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran, and Israel's
Hypocrisy," The Wisdom Fund, October 16, 2013
"Here's the text of the Iran nuclear framework agreement,, April 2, 2015
Sheldon Richman, "The Real Nuclear Threat in the Middle East,", April 8, 2015
James Carroll, "How the President
Who Pledged to Banish Nuclear Weapons Is Enabling Their Renewal,", April 24, 2014
Thalif Deen, "Faith-Based Organisations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster,", May 7, 2015
Derek Johnson, "The Nuclear Codes Come With Big Challenges
For Clinton Or Trump,", June 10, 2016
[Eight nations with nuclear arms (the United States, Russia, China, France, the United
Kingdom, India, Pakistan, and Israel) opposed or abstained from the resolution, while
North Korea voted yes. However, with a vote of 123 for, 38 against and 16 abstaining,
the First Assembly decided "to convene in 2017 a United Nations conference to negotiate
a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total
elimination."--Joe Cirincione, "The Historic UN Vote On Banning Nuclear Weapons,",
October 27, 2016]
[The United States, Britain and France are among almost 40 countries that will not join
talks on a nuclear weapons ban treaty starting at the United Nations--Michelle Nichols,
"U.S., Britain,
France, others skip nuclear weapons ban treaty talks,", March 27, 2017]