[Enver Masud is the founder of The Wisdom Fund]
Enver Masud, "Fatally Flawed:
The 9/11 Commission Report," The Wisdom Fund, September 11, 2007
Many of you have been lobbying for a new 9/11 investigation. Getting that is
a long term process, and it may not be any more productive than the
investigation that NIST is conducting right now.
Having managed the National Power Grid Study (150 persons organized into 26
multidisciplinary teams -- received Award of Excellence) for the U.S.
Department of Energy, I know first-hand the pressures within the Executive
Branch to subvert the process. Any new investigation will face the same
But we can do something that has a very good chance of success, and will
break the media silence on 9/11. Ask for hearings in the House and Senate on
the specific issues below.
Send a letter to your congressman and senators (personalize the sample
below) asking them to hold hearings on these issues.
Dear Congressman or Senator:
500+ scientists, engineers, professors, and aviation, intelligence, and
government personnel now question "The 9/11 Commission Report", I believe
that the report is fatally flawed - see the slide presentation at http://www.twf.org/Gallery/911talk.html.
To stop the drain on American blood and treasure, restore Americans' trust in
government, and to restore America's standing worldwide, it is imperative
that we obtain the truth about 9/11. We urge you to hold hearings focussed
on the following issues:
1 - World Trade Center: Why did three buildings (47-story Building 7 was not
even hit by a plane) collapse symmetrically at near free-fall speed -- about
10 seconds for WTC Buildings 1 and 2; less than 7 seconds for WTC Building 7?
2 - Pentagon: What is the hard evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon (eg.
serial numbers matched to serial numbers in aircraft maintenance logs), what
explains the "strange absence of airliner debris", and what caused the exit
hole in C Ring?
3 - Flight 93: Why was there "nothing larger than a phone book" at the crash
site, and debris from the plane spread over a few miles?
4 - Bin Laden and the hijackers: Why does the FBI's Most Wanted poster for
Bin Laden not charge him with 9/11 while British media claim that some of
the hijackers are alive, and there are no Arab names on the airlines' 9/11
passenger lists available to the public?
For background and links to sources see
The correct answers to these questions should go a long ways toward
unravelling the truth about 9/11.
Name, Address, Phone
Together we can get to the truth about 9/11. Write to your congressman
and senators today. You can use the form at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/.
Download handout for lobbying, contacting media, etc.
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